
17 May, 2012

Chapter 3

Hiya peeps it Charlotte here writing the 3rd chapter of my story , Broken Dreams. REMEMBER IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE OTHER TWO CHAPTERS PLEASE DO!

Chapter 3:

Looking over at the bed next to her, Lizzie could see and hear the life support monitor connected up to her beloved fiance', Adam. As she looked away, she could hear his heart ...thump...thump.......thump..........thump.......................thump........................................................
Nurses came rushing into the room, but there was nothing they could do. They switched all the machines off (including the life support) and put a white blanket over his head. Once they had gone, a strange man walked in. He whispered to heartbroken Lizzie,"There is something you could do so you could be with Adam again," he got quieter,"just ssssppspspsspspspspsspspspps."
All of a sudden Lizzie sat up (as if brain washed) and got out of her hospital bed, not in any condition to do so though.
She opened the window, said her goodbyes to Adam and climbed out of it, into the dark night.


  1. Gripping stuff!

  2. REALLY................GOOD................. LOST...............FOR...........WORDS!!!!
